The Multi-Functional Flyer

The internet has changed how companies market themselves, so there’s no place for the lowly flyer anymore, is there? Wrong! Those shoe store advertisements we remember finding under the windscreen wiper have evolved into full colour effective advertising pieces for a number of different businesses. Instead of just being an advertising piece for a local sale, today’s flyers can serve multiple functions, as local restaurant owner Mark found out.

Multi Functional Flyers from Minuteman
Multi Functional Flyers from Minuteman

Restaurant Marketing

I’m Mark and I’ve owned a restaurant in the CBD for about five years. Business is steady, but I wanted to appeal to a different sort of customer. I’m changing the menu to include more upscale items and experimenting with different dishes. I thought about different methods for advertising, and luckily I talked to the people at Spencer Minuteman Press. Their representative walked me through my options, and then suggested I try a multi-function flyer to reach potential new customers. I was sceptical about using such an old-fashioned sort of advertising piece, but the people at Spencer explained about all the options I’d have with a modern flyer. My advertising campaign worked better than I expected. My business is up significantly, and it’s all due to the flyers from Spencer Minuteman Press.

The Final Product

The designer at Spencer worked closely with me to make sure I got exactly the product I wanted. I was surprised at the variety of sizes, paper types, and printing options they offered. The nine different paper sizes gave me option ideas that had never crossed my mind before. Together we designed a multi-function flyer that included a modified restaurant menu, an introductory letter, and a special offer good only for those bringing in the flyer. We also added my website address on the flyer information, for potential clients to investigate to find more details.

My finished product looks like a high quality promotional piece. The thick stock and slick surface set off the full colour photographs and lettering, giving it a more substantial look than flyers from the past. It’s different enough that customers always take a second look, giving me another chance to entice them into visiting my restaurant. I’ve had great results including them in advertising mailings, with a high percentage of those receiving it coming in for my specials.

I would recommend Spencer Minuteman Press‘ flyers to any business owner looking for a creative way to increase their business. With the variety of style designs and flyer types they offer, I’m certain you can find the exact flyer that’s right for your business.