Are you making the most of your newsletter? Tailoring your design and content to suit your target audience will ensure that people are actually reading it and not just tossing it straight in the bin. Look below for your type of organisation, get writing and then stop by Spencer Minuteman Press for the best and fastest digital printing in Melbourne!

Company Newsletter: Internal
Whenever you are sending a newsletter to employees, you should keep in mind that less is more. The truth is, most people are so busy these days they don’t have time to take a break during the workday to peruse a newsletter, and when they’re at home, the last thing they want is to be reminded of work. Keep the information in an internal newsletter as brief as possible.
As for the content, focus on accomplishments and milestones. Keep the newsletter positive and use it to acknowledge the hard work your employees have been putting in. Depending on the formality of your industry and company, consider including personal news as well. Congratulate employees who recently celebrated a birthday or got engaged. An internal newsletter is also a great place to introduce new staff members by including their pictures and brief bios.
Company Newsletter: Stakeholders
If your company sends out a regular newsletter to clients, make sure to highlight any new products or services front and centre. Including positive feedback or personal anecdotes of clients (with their permission, of course) is a great marketing boost, too. For more tips on advertising, check out our article on growing your business.
Don’t just use the newsletter to talk yourself up, though. Eliciting feedback through your newsletter can give you powerful information, and it makes your clients feel heard and respected. You can do this by directly asking them how they feel about a specific aspect of your business, or keep it more general. Make sure you include an email address for them to send their thoughts to.
Churches, Charitable Organisations, and Schools
We know you always have loads of information to share in your newsletter. Make sure to use lots of graphic cues, such as bullet points and inset boxes to keep sections organised. Also, balance out all that text with photographs. People are much more inclined to look through a newsletter when it has pictures, so include images that are relevant and eye-catching.
Whatever your organisation, don’t try to force the newsletter onto a single sheet if doesn’t fit. People simply can’t read 8 point font, so instead of shrinking everything down, why not opt for a multi-page newsletter? We offer a range of digital printing and finishing options that will suit every budget.
Lastly, consider including a bulletin board in the back of your newsletter to help people connect with each other. This might include postings about job openings and furniture sales, or more personal postings like an ad for a book club seeking members. This is also a great place to post a call for volunteers to help with that upcoming event or fundraiser.
If you write a newsletter, check out Spencer Minuteman Press for the best printing services in Melbourne’s CBD!