We’ve talked a lot on here about the importance of a business card and shared tips on how to make your business card stand out. Today, Spencer Minuteman Press is bringing you two anecdotes that perfectly highlight the importance and power of a business card, no matter what industry you’re in.

Make Business Card Stand Out
Kevin: a 22-year-old new graduate in accounting
‘A couple years ago, my mates and I formed a band and started playing at parties and even scored a few gigs at local bars. We started to talk really seriously about pursuing this dream, much to our parents’ dismay, and even took a semester off from uni to work on our music full-time. We were all over the internet, uploading songs and making contacts, but it honestly never even occurred to us to print out business cards. I mean, we were basically teenagers in a rock-band, and business cards are for suits, right?
Well, we were playing at an outdoor venue one night and sure enough, some guy comes up to us and asks for our business card. I think we maybe jotted down an email address or something on a soggy napkin, but that was it. We later found out that the man was actually a major marketing executive for some resort, and we totally ruined our chances of landing a really high-paying gig. Needless to say, he was put off by our disorganisation and probably assumed we were too young and unprofessional to book.
In the end, we scrapped our music dreams, but it’s hard not to wonder ‘what if’, you know?’
Lesson learned: You are never too young or too ‘rock-and-roll’ for a business card.
Amanda: a 45-year-old pastry chef and cake decorator
‘I worked as a pastry chef for years, first at a hotel and later at an artisanal bakery. I had always dreamed of striking out on my own, but never really did anything about it. Of course, I’d always been given business cards by the companies I worked for, but I never created personal ones. I couldn’t exactly take a call at work and try to steal the client for my own independent business. But, I had people asking me for my contact information all the time, you know, when I’d bring a cake to a friend’s birthday party or something. Once, when I did a bunch of desserts for a friend’s hen party at a bar, three people asked me for my card and I gave them the one for my employer’s business.
I finally got it together and printed up personal business cards, and eventually had enough interest to open my own business, but every time I think about all those missed chances, I kick myself. I could have started my own company and gotten happy so much earlier in life!’
Lesson learned: Business cards aren’t just for businesses—having a ‘personal’ card can change your life.
Spencer Minuteman Press has the best offers on business card printing in Melbourne’s CBD. Don’t miss another opportunity: use our templates online to create your own business card, or come on in to speak with one of our designers.