Let Us Help You With Your Newsletter

You’ve probably already guessed that Minuteman Press can print high quality newsletters for your company or organisation on time and for a reasonable price. We can offer a variety of paper types and formats, as well. Your newsletter can be a simple fold-over, it can be six pages long and double-folded or it can be a stapled or bound booklet. Whatever format you need, of course we can provide it.

One thing you may not have known is that we can do the graphic design and layout for your newsletter, as well. You can send us your articles and illustrations and we can help you find just the right design. Alternatively, talk to us about using your existing template. Whether your newsletter is a new project or an well established tradition, most likely we can help you out. We can provide both print and online versions of the newsletter, too. Talk to us about file formats and delivery methods.

Newsletter Sample
Newsletter Sample

Business Newsletters

Minuteman Press can lay out and print a newsletter for your business. It’s amazing how, even in a reasonably small company, people aren’t always kept informed of the big picture issues. Keep your employees and customers up to date on new products, new projects, new services, company and employee awards and achievements, advertising campaigns, positive press, new techniques and helpful hints. Improve morale by keeping everyone in the loop.

School Newsletters

At every educational level and in every specialisation, there is a great deal that faculty, staff, students and families need to be aware of. A school newsletter can be just the ticket. Educational institutions from pre-schools all the way to universities can benefit from a regular source of news. Start a newsletter for your department or for the whole institution. Announce special lectures, games, exhibitions and performances. Report on student and faculty accolades. Keep everyone aware of official schedules and institutional goals. Build connections and build awareness.

Church Newsletters

Keep the congregation engaged and connected with a monthly or quarterly newsletter. Keep everyone up to date on the hard work being done by your volunteers and all the good causes you’re supporting. Publish biographies of your senior members while they’re still around to answer questions and enjoy the attention. Congratulate parishioners with new marriages and new family members. Throw in a few quotes and words of wisdom for good measure.

Newsletters for Non-Profits and Community Organisations

Keep your volunteers, contributors and clients up to date with a regularly published newsletter. Announce your upcoming events and celebrate your successes. Welcome new members and acknowledge long-time volunteers, innovators and leaders. Provide information on your core mission or area of concern to help spread the passion and inspire positive change.

Whatever type of organisation you’re with, a newsletter can keep everyone informed and up-to-date. It can help to establish trust, cement brand loyalty, improve morale and even articulate vision and values. Communication is important to every kind of group, whether it’s commercial, educational or community-based. A newsletter could be just what you need to keep people informed and engaged. Send us your text and pictures, and you can work with us to create the perfect graphic design.